It's summer, and my marketing agency business has been growing so I've been off this grid. A good problem to have. While I was on summer vacation with my son, while I was supposed to have my email and phone turned off, I found out several pieces of good news:
1. My short story "Thief of Your Comfort" was selected for a women writers anthology and my essay "Before and After" was selected for a parenting anthology. Will keep you posted when those books are published.
2. Had a piece accepted to McSweeney's Internet Tendency and still not sure how that happened. Will link to it once it's published. Great editors to work with, by the way.
3. Starting in August, I'll be teaching Novel III: Revising Your Novel and (in September) Novel IV: Advanced Revision Techniques in the Eckleburg Workshop Series. These classes are a month long each, and they'll alternate. So if you have a book you need to overhaul in a second or third draft, please consider joining up. You can register for Novel III starting now and the link to Novel IV will be available by August. It's super affordable and 4 out of 5 dentists recommend this workshop as well as Trident.
I'm also teaching Fiction Workshop at Lenoir-Rhyne University this fall, after I finish teaching creative business development, publishing and editing, and YA literature magazine development this summer. ALL THE WRITING THINGS. I got syllabi for days.
4. Have you heard about The One-Hour MFA by Michael Kimball? It's pretty awesome, and you can read it for free (WHAT) over here at Real Pants because Real Pants is a golden god.
5. Books I'm looking forward to: paperback version of Megan Mayhew Berman's Almost Famous Women, Lauren Groff's Fates and Furies, Amber Sparks's The Unfinished World and Other Stories, Mark Z. Danielewski's The Familiar, Berit Ellingsen's Not Dark Yet, John Banville's The Blue Guitar and Gisele Firmino's The Marble Army.
I hope you're having a good summer, too.