Really grateful to Asheville literary squad captains Lockie Hunter and Jeff Davis for inviting me to appear on their radio show, Wordplay, on Sunday May 22nd.
First off, I think it's awesome that Asheville has a literary radio show. It's a great way to get new and established poetry and prose on the airwaves. Hosts Lockie Hunter and Jeff Davis were wonderful and immediately made me feel relaxed and coached me to optimize the mic during what was my first in-studio experience.
Me reading from my memoir. I got this. Sweet photo by Wordplay host Jeff Davis.
Sixty minutes fly by when you have great people in the room with you, discussing your favorite topic. We talked about writing influences, projects including my novel The Fabulists and my nonfiction, as well as my early writing life.
(Aside: for those of you who listened to the show, I DID ask my mom to dig out that serial killer novel I wrote in the 4th grade...she's looking for it, don't worry.)
Then I read two excerpts from my memoir-in-essays, How to Set Yourself on Fire. It's a working title, obviously. It was also one of the first times I've shared anything from this book project.
Afterward, the conversation flowed over post-show brews at Westville Pub.