On May 6th, I gave a reading at Downtown Books & News in Asheville for the Juniper Bends Reading Series. I rarely do public readings...this is the one for 2016.
The reading was really amazing. DBN was packed. Me and three talented poets: Gary Hawkins, Stephanie Renae Johnson, Michael Pittard. I was so impressed by them.
From L to R: Lockie Hunter (hostess), Gary Hawkins, Caroline Wilson, Michael Pittard, Stephanie Johnson and...me. Awkwardly waving.
It was honestly one of the best readings I've ever attended: a lot of genius, humor, love, high energy. My fiction sandwich was not worthy.
Many thanks to Lockie Hunter and Caroline for inviting me to read at Juniper Bends Reading Series. Check them out on Facebook and please join the page if you're in the Asheville area. It's a quarterly reading series and the next one will be in August.